Youth Questions
Subscribers to the Full of Grace Youth Journal have the opportunity to send their questions and artwork in. Youth art just might be featured in Full of Grace and questions can inspire a message or theme! Below are some of the questions that have been submitted to Full of Grace.
Question: How do I know God's plan for me?
“Dear Youth Guild,
How do I know God’s plan for me? I like to do a lot of things like: gymnastics, knitting, crocheting, running. But, I don’t Know if any of these talents will help me down God’s path.”Lucia N, 4th Grade
Dear Lucia,
You ask a beautiful and challenging question! Knowing God’s plan for your life is a lifelong journey and a question you may find yourself asking throughout the various stages of your life. I can tell you, as a former gymnast, I never dreamed that phase of my life would be a path that would help me learn the discipline, work ethic, and tenacity that would help me now in my role as a Deacon in the Catholic church. God will use whatever skills and talents you develop to bring greater honor and glory to His name as long as you stay tuned in to Him in prayer and the sacraments of our beautiful and holy Church. My favorite figure in helping us see if we are following God’s will or not is Our Holy Mother Mary. Moms always know and Our Blessed Mother will not lead us astray. Keep your rosary close, pray it often, and ask for her intercession as you journey through life. May you find much peace and comfort knowing that she is assisting in guiding you along the path that God has put before you to walk. And may you then walk it with confidence and trust!
May God bless you!
+Deacon Chris Kabat